InterGenerate is a movement of Christians committed to bringing together all generations of the Church.

PREORDER New book Imagining All Generations here

Keynote speakers

Mini Presentation Speakers

creative space maker: Stacey Wilson


Stacey will be curating the Prayer Chapel and leading the Evening Contemplative Prayer Stations. 


NEW Cohort Option

Extend your intergenerational connections and learning beyond the 2025 conference with this new cohort option.  Cohorts will form during the conference, launch on Thursday afternoon, and extend through monthly meetings for the next two years. 

Choosing this option is FREE at registration, but requires that you remain for the launch in the afternoon following the main conference on Thursday, June 12.

OPTIONAL Intergen GLobal Track

Connect. Converse. Collaborate.

An additional opportunity for international participants in the Intergenerate Conference to intentionally engage together as part of their preparation for the Conference itself. 

The Intergen Global Track will provide space to connect, converse and collaborate with colleagues from around the world prior to the Intergenerate Conference officially commencing. A great way to make new friends, catch up with old ones and add value to your time in the US!

PREORDER INTERGENERATE 2023 Book: Imagining All Generations

A Renewed Vision for an Intergenerational Church

PREORDER the book, launching at the Intergenerate Conference!

Remember and reimagine church—together.

Many churches today face worry and concern over their collective future. One tragic consequence is that growing anxiety can turn inward on communities of faith. A subtle distancing and dividing can occur, often happening along generational lines. Us-versus-Them thinking morphs into Old-versus-Young. Instead of a culture of generation to generation, churches are shaped and formed more by a culture of generation versus generation.

Imagining All Generations offers a better, more faithful way forward by remembering our identity as the generational people of God. This volume features nineteen authors from around the world, providing fresh theological reflection, innovative practical wisdom, and a unified call for all churches to move into a more intergenerational future by answering four key questions:

  • What theology and theory support an intergenerational vision of the church?

  • What are researchers and practitioners learning about how to meaningfully bring together different generations in communities of faith?

  • How can churches better share faith among various age groups within their congregation?

  • How might we reimagine the worship assembly as a time and place where every generation brings a valuable contribution?


For all questions or inquiries about InterGenerate, please email us at: