Gareth Crispin: God came down: Accommodation & IG; Darwin Glassford: Biblical & theological support for IG; Regina Walton: Spiritual theology of faith formation
Gareth Crispin: God came down: Accommodation & IG; Darwin Glassford: Biblical & theological support for IG; Regina Walton: Spiritual theology of faith formation
And God came down: Intergenerational communities and a theology of accommodation
Gareth Crispin, Youth, Children and Families Minister, St. John's Anglican Church, Lindow, UK
Are you looking for a theological principle that can guide your congregation in the challenging work of integrating the generations? The theology of accommodation is just such a principle. In Scripture we see that God accommodates himself to humanity not only in word but in action; and God's example is a description of how to live as God's people in the church. Specifically, 1 Corinthians 8-11:1 demonstrates that those with authority and knowledge in the church are to accommodate those without, which almost invariably include youth and children. the theology of accommodation offers a biblically sound resource to address the challenges of living as an intergenerational community in your setting.
Biblical and Theological Foundations of IG Ministry
Darwin K. Glassford, Director of Online Learning at Kuyper College, Grand Rapids, MI
Executive Pastor at Harderwyk Ministries, Holland, MI
Intergenerational ministry is the norm in Scripture; it is a way of life. Yet the default response of many churches to research supporting intergenerational faith formation has been to adjust current programming and call it "intergenerational." In our time together we will explore the understanding of intergenerational ministry found throughout the Pentateuch, specifically in Genesis 1-3; Exodus 20:1; Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 6:1-20 and 21:18-21, as a basis for developing a holistic and generationally inclusive ministry strategy.
Towards a Spiritual Theology of Christian Formation
Dr. Regina Walton, Pastor & Rector, Grace Episcopal Church, Newton, MA; Denominational Counselor for Episcopal/Anglican Students and Adjunct Instructor, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
When our beliefs and practices around Christian formation lack a robust theological core, certain problems tend to arise in our congregations: underestimating children’s innate capacity for God; choosing resources and curricula without an overarching framework of values, goals, and outcomes; ignoring the home as a primary locus for Christian formation. This paper points towards a spiritual theology of Christian formation that is biblically-based, holistic in approach in including all ages, and accessible to ordained and lay ministers. Spiritual theology is concerned with Christian disciplines and practices that contribute to spiritual growth, and as such is an especially appropriate lens through which to consider the theory and practice of Christian formation across the lifespan.